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About US

All the information on https://class9thquizcenter.blogspot.com/ is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. We collect information from various famous books published publically available in the market and online resources provided by the Punjab Govt.

We publish quizes from the information received in these books/resources mentioned above carefully.  However, We do not give any warranties about the correctness and reliability about the information provided in this portal.

https://class9thquizcenter.blogspot.com/, quiz portal will not publish objectionable content or someone else copyrights content. Anyhow if disputable content is published in this blog and any one have any objection about published content in this website may contact us through the contact us form, We will check the objection and on valid reason we assure the removal of that objectionable content.

yours Sincerely , https://class9thquizcenter.blogspot.com/

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